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Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya


At Handsworth Primary, children love to read. They rapidly acquire the skills needed for fluent reading and enjoy a rich diet of high-quality children’s literature.

They are able to discuss a wide variety of books with their peers, their teachers and their parents. They also understand the importance of English in their daily lives and in the modern world.

Year on year, our children achieve above the national average in this area.

Our school has a supportive ethos, and our approaches support children in developing their collaborative and independent skills. Regular and ongoing assessment informs teaching and intervention to support and enable each child's success.

Teachers and teaching assistants assess children on a daily basis.

The English Team use regular ‘book looks’ to understand progression throughout the school. The SLT reviews the assessment data and teacher assessments on a termly basis to ensure all children are making good progress.

We moderate internally within year groups, key stages and across the whole school; and externally with other schools in the borough at the end of KS1 and KS2.

Formal tests in reading, writing, spelling and grammar are given each term during assessment week.

Targets in Reading and Writing are updated each term following assessment week.

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