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Educational Toys


At Handsworth Primary, we use a mastery approach to teaching Mathematics.  We use the mastery scheme, White Rose Maths, alongside other mastery resources to support our teaching of Maths. 

At Handsworth Primary, children have a love of Maths -  they can articulate this through their learning, pupil voice, curiosity, recognising their contributions, sharing their strengths and ways to improve to achieve their best. They see the importance of maths in their daily lives and the modern world. The children build upon their skills year on year and can apply their skills and see the relevance of their mathematical learning. Through a curriculum based on deep conceptual understanding, children can select and use different mathematical methods in various contexts. Our children are empowered with accurate mathematical language to communicate their ideas precisely and effectively with each other and staff. Our school has a supportive ethos, and our approaches support children in developing their collaborative and independent skills. Regular and ongoing assessment informs teaching and intervention to support and enable the success of each child. The teaching of mastery maths is monitored and supported through learning walks, staff CPD, pupil voice and the monitoring of children's work. The majority of our children will achieve age-related expectations.

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