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Image by Hans Reniers


How our children will be taught in Science 

A. Investigative Science:

At Handsworth, we believe in the importance of investigative work. Each term we undertake and complete investigations which will cover the skills and processes listed below. 

Skills and processes:

Questioning and enquiring 

  • Asking questions and deciding how to find answers. 

  • Putting forward their own ideas. 

  • Knowing whether a question is a scientific one i.e. it can be investigated. 

  • Using sources of information to help to find out answers, including first hand experience. 

  • Decide whether to use evidence or secondary sources. 


  • With help saying what might happen in an investigation 

  • Say what might happen and giving a simple reason

  • Say what might happen and giving a reason based on experience. 

  • Say what might happen giving a scientifically based reason. 


Fair testing 

  • Recognise when a comparison is fair. 

  • With help plan a fair test. 

  • Plan a fair test, varying one factor while keeping others the same

  • Know what factors are and how to control them. 

  • Have a trial run and modify investigation appropriately. 


Observing and measuring

  • Explore and observe carefully. 

  • Use given equipment and measure with help. Make simple comparisons. 

  • Make relevant observations and measurements, using standard measures. 

  • Select equipment and make measures of reasonable accuracy. 

  • Plan the effective use of selected measuring equipment and make repeated measures for accuracy. 



  • Make simple drawings and charts.

  • Use simple table drawn for them. More careful drawings. 

  • Draw own simple table or devise own way of recording. 

  • Draw a table and record carefully. Use a notebook to note results. 

  • Draw tables and record findings systematically. 


Examining evidence 

  • Make simple comparisons

  • With help draw a bar graph of results. Say what they have found out. 

  • Use bar graphs and bar line graphs. Note patterns in these results. 

  • Draw graphs with accuracy, commenting on patterns in results and whether evidence is sufficient. 

  • Select the correct kinds of graph or method of representing data. 



  • Say whether what happened was what they expected. Begin to give a simple explanation. 

  • Simple explanations for observations or patterns in results. Communicate in a scientific way and suggest improvements.

  • Relate conclusions to patterns in results and to scientific knowledge. 

  • Communicate conclusions using appropriately scientific language and suggest improvements. 

  • Draw conclusion consistent with the evidence an d relate to Scientific knowledge and understanding. 

  • Make practical suggestions about how the work could be improved. 


Cross-curricular skills 


In Science it is important to include discussion during the planning phase of investigations and verbal reporting about what has been found out. The is a specific vocabulary associated with Science. 


Application to number

Data handling and the use of measuring equipment are an essential part of science. 



Spreadsheets, graph plotting, word processing, scientific adventure games/apps, information retrieval from the internet, use of iPads and laptops are all applications of computing to Scientific learning.  


Working with others 

Science presents many opportunities for co-operative learning, both in planning and carrying out investigations and in research work. 


Pupils taking charge of their own learning. 

In teaching Science, as in other subjects, it is essential that the learning outcome of the lessons is made known to the child and referred to. In this way children can evaluate their own learning at the end of the lesson. 



The very nature of science ensures coverage of this skill.


Equal opportunities:

Science is a subject to which pupils bring very different experiences and many preconceptions about these. Resources are chosen for multicultural application. Activities and investigations are chosen as multi-cultural as possible, e.g. use light and sound sources from different ethnic sources when covering light and sound. Planning and lesson presentations are regularly reviewed, with teachers aiming to follow the objectives that needed to be taught in a lesson, but also giving all children the chance to experience Science in a variety of ways suitable for each child. 


Health and safety:

It is important that children are taught to use equipment safely. Children should be made aware of risks at the beginning of a lesson. 

The following is a list of possible risks and how to deal with them: 

  • Use safety goggles if you are breaking up rocks.

  • Make sure you find out about allergies if having animals with fur or food in the classroom. 

  • Wash your hands before handling food and wash afterwards, too. 

  • When working with animals, keep your hands out of your face and wash your hands afterwards. 

  • Never put Science experiment/investigation equipment or resources in your mouth. 

  • Never burn plastics – they give off toxic fumes. 

  • Use a sand tray if you have to burn things. Keep children at a safe distance. Let SSO know if you are working with fire as any smoke may cause the fire alarm to go off. 

  • Encourage children to treat the living and non-living environment with respect and sensitivity.

  • Stress the need for personal and group safety by correctly using and storing resources.


Planning and provision

Foundation Stage - The children in Nursery and Early Years Reception follow the Early Learning goals for knowledge and understanding of the world to develop and progress their scientific knowledge through practical learning. This is the basis for the learning that carries on in the rest of the school. Very young children have less life experience to draw on to help them make sense of the world around them. In the Foundation Stage, care is taken to ensure that the children can cope socially and emotionally in their environment, which is new to them. At this early stage we believe in encouraging discovery and valuing and pursuing children’s ideas. Early Science work arises from the child’s natural curiosity in his environment. We provide opportunities for the children to ask questions and interpret their own scientific discoveries in their own unique way, rather than simply acquiring facts. Many opportunities to study science occur through play but science is also a planned activity (understanding the world) and more directed activities are provided in order for the children to experience a broad range of scientific areas.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, we follow the Hamilton Trust Scheme of work and supplement it with various other high-quality resources. Regular communication between subject leader and staff members allows us to provide a consistent, enthusiastic approach to Science. The curriculum overview allows progression throughout the Primary Science Education, which builds (and recaps) on prior knowledge and understanding. 


We aim to deliver Science through cross-curricular activities linking subjects such as Art/DT, P4C, Music, English, History and Maths. These lessons are recorded in a variety of ways. 


Teachers are encouraged to include the following in their planning and provision of Science learning throughout the year. 

High-Quality Science Resources - the school has a wide range of resources for all areas of the Science Curriculum. These are to be used to support learning by providing a kinaesthetic approach to children of all abilities. 


Stories linked to Science - stories linked to Science units of work provide a deeper understanding of how Science work in our everyday lives.  Examples of these are The Mollie bird – An Evolution story, The pebble in my pocket - Rocks and Soil, Look Up - Space. 

Educational trips - visits to places linked to the Science Units of work which provide the perfect opportunity to deepen their scientific understanding and improve methodical skills through hands on activities. 

Visitors and the community - Visits from parents and members of the community, with links to a wide range of fields in Science, are encouraged so they can share their expertise with our children and to inform/enthuse them about the vast possibilities of science careers available to them. 

Science Week - We take part in the annual British Science Week. Every year we have a different theme that explores and celebrates an area of Science.  The subject leader organises a fulfilled week with a wide range of Science activities. During this week teachers are encouraged to plan cross curricular activities linked to the theme. We have also developed a partnership with a local secondary school to offer Science fair experiences for children in Upper KS2. 

Celebrating Science - The Science Subject leader has put together a Science Library with a wide range of Science resources for all children to engage in. This Science library is used during Guided Reading lessons too. Children’s work is also displayed in this area e.g. Year 4 and 6 Electricity unit of work. Teachers add Science learning to their class web pages at least once a term.  Interactive classroom and corridor displays are vibrant to encourage children’s involvement in their learning.  

Extracurricular sessions - Children are invited to take part in Mad Science club and Astroykyds. Year 1 take part in Forest School and children in KS2 are invited to take part in Gardening Club.

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